It's a simple-to-use platform for monitoring the availability of your page. The website sends text messaging or email notifications when the page is unavailable.
After setting up a service, WebPing starts monitoring the availability of a webpage by checking if it is available and also by searching for a defined string of characters at the specified address. When the defined string of characters cannot be found, the website sends a text message or email notification, and then checks if the monitored service is available again. If so, the website sends another notification to inform that the page is available again.
WebPing allows you to monitor every www page. It is especially meant for websites that need to be available online for business reasons: online shops, product sites, company sites, landing pages for ad campaigns.
WebPing searches for a specific string of characters in the HTML code of the monitored page. This string can be the title of the page, or the number of the Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics account. We encourage you to monitor the latter - then you will also be notified when for some reason the script monitoring your GA disappears from your page (for example, because of issues with the agency or framework).
Creating an account is possible through a registration form, which is available after selecting a package from the price list or from the top menu. To register you need to enter valid data, especially email address as we will use it to send the confirmation link, as well as the first availability notifications.
To start monitoring a service, you need to set it up in the customer panel.
In WebPing we accept PayU payments and regular bank transfers. For agencies we also offer sales invoices with deferred payment.